Monday, January 11, 2010

I like's just that Mr. Right hasn't come along yet

"just because I'm single, it doesn't mean I'm gay...." - Peegee

I am not entirely sure how my day went "oh-so-crazy"...

First,  I'm a bloody panda for running errands for my mom and sister so early in the morning (for a night person, 9am is an ungodly hour). Second, I got the early bird award for coming in early for a lunch meeting..just to find out that it got postponed. Third, I stapled myself...pulled out a millimeter of staple-wire from my ring finger, almost cried because no one has a 'cute' band aid while I'm dripping blood everywhere. Now here's the cherry on the cake....

A co-worker just said he believes I'm a lesbian... and a close friend agrees with him... what the?!!

Do I, by any chance, look gay to you??

To clear things up.. I like men.. tall and strong (physically, mentally and emotionally) are my preferences. It's just that, I haven't met a guy that really really caught my attention.