Friday, December 25, 2009

Rated "PG" - by Janus

What does it mean if a lady is Rated PG?

It means that she captivates audiences on different levels. She moves them with her beauty, charms them with her grace, and engages them with her intelligence.

It also means that she writes with such depth and insight. She speaks beautifully on starry skies, on falling in love, and on the complexities of a colorful but confusing (love)life.

It also means that she has the elegant style, but none of the snobbishness. She has the sophistication, but is suffused with the simplicity. She has the beauty but none of its intimidating power. She is a touch shy, she confesses, but deep inside, you know she bursts with such passion.

That is what rated PG means. Two thumbs up for this lady. A certified box-office hit. And definitely the bomb. :)