Wednesday, January 27, 2010

North Avenue MRT Station

I worked the graveyard shift last night because I had to finish my Process Design and deck for my learning session before going to work. My shift ended around 4am but I didn't want to go home at such an ungodly hour so I decided to extend two more hours. I was actually excited to leave the office the see the breaking of dawn..

The air was chilly.. Luckily, I brought my shawl. The walk from ADB Avenue to the MRT Station was an exercise, something I haven't done in a long time. The 100 or so steps up the station proved challenging in my 2 and a half inch pumps. I bet my two cents that my legs are gonna hurt like hell after I sleep...

I don't usually take the MRT nowadays because there are more convenient  modes of transportation available to me. And here's what I don't/won't miss during the morning rush in Manila's train stations...